- Trademark search
- National application, change, renewal and related matters
- Madrid application / extension
- Trademark dispute and request for revoking trademark not in use for three years
- Trademark review case: objection review, invalidation, revocation review
- Trademark transfer, drafting transfer contract and transfer negotiations
- Application for recording trademark license, drafting contract for recording trademark license
- Trademark announcement monitoring
- Determination of well-known trademarks
- Administrative litigation for determining trademark right
- Civil litigation for trademark infringement
- Civil litigation in IP criminal case
- Trademark legal advice, making trademark protection strategy, providing training
Other legal services
- Customs filing of intellectual properties like patent, trademark and copyright
- Negotiation of domain name registration, domain name dispute, and domain name transfer
- Copyright registration
- Computer software registration
- Investigation on intellectual property infringement
- Filing complaints and administrative investigation request about infringement of trademark or patent right
- Filing complaints and request to delete link about infringement of trademarks, patents and copyrights on the Internet